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Boeken over zakelijk tekenen
Er zijn tegenwoordig enorm veel leuke boeken op de markt over zakelijk tekenen. Wil je thuis op je eigen tempo een goede start maken met zakelijk tekenen, bekijk dan onderstaande boeken.
- The Graphic Facilitator’s Guide: How to use your listening, thinking and drawing skills to make meaning - Brandy Agerbeck
- Generative scribing - Kelvy Bird
- Drawn Together through Visual Practice - Kelvy Bird e.a.
- Visual Meetings: How Graphics, Sticky Notes and Idea Mapping Can Transform Group Productivity - David Sibbett
- Graphic Recording: Live Illustrations for Meetings, Conferences and Workshops - Gestalten / Anna Lena Schiller
- The Doodle Revolution: Unlock the Power to Think Differently - Sunny Brown
- The Back of the Napkin - Dan Roam
- Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers - Dave Gray
- Resonate - Nancy Duarte
- From the Front of the Room. Notes on Facilitation for Experienced Practitioners - Dan Newman
- Bikablo
- Pocket pics - The Grove
- Visual notetaking for educators - Wendi Pillars
- Beyond Words - A guide to drawing out ideas - Milly Sonneman
- Maak je punt - Kim Ravers
- The sketchnote handbook - Mike Rohde
- Understanding comics - Scott mcCloud
- Co-create! - Mathias Weitbrecht
- Creative letters - tijdschrift
- Krijtbordschrift - Chalkboard
- Visual facilitation cookbook (PDF)
- The Potential of Graphic Facilitation to support collaborative processes in the sustainability transition - Bachelor thesis 2017 Jakob Kohlbrenner
- Roman uppercase letters worksheet
- Videoscribe script checklist
- Artikel - verschil graphic recording & visual sensemaking
- Collaboration by design - Philippe Coullomb & Charles Collingwood - Boots
- UZMO - thinking with your pen - Martin Haussmann
- Sketchnotes symbol bibliothek (DE) - Nadine Rosa
- Visual thinking & visual doing - Willemien Brand